Self-Reflection Following A Mediation

Self-Reflection Following A Mediation:

Was my Opening Statement thorough?
How did the Story Telling go?
How did the Understanding phase go?
Techniques used during Solutions?        
Was I facilitative in all that I did?
Did my judgments enter the process?                                                           
What thoughts guided my actions?
Did I follow my mediation philosophy?
Did I acknowledge emotions & equality?
Did I encourage the parties’ expressions?
Did I pursue the whys, interests?
How did I respond to pushed buttons?
Was I comfortable responding to needs?
How was my reframing?
Was the resolution totally the participants?
Were tasks & relationships kept separate?
Was I caring and empathetic toward the participants and their concepts?
Was I perceived as co-partial?
Did I foster shared respect among all?
Was the setting of support & legitimacy?
Did I apply BATNA/WATNA?
Is the agreement clearly enforceable?
Did the agreement include likely healing?
What am I doing for my own well-being?
What resources am I using to expand my skills?

Written By: Charlie Young
Credit: Mediation