Online Dispute Resolution (“ODR”) may refer to any form of alternative dispute resolution conducted with the aid of a computer. Two in particular, mediation and arbitration, are proceeded by a variety of adjectives: Remote; Virtual; Cloud; Videoconference; etc. Here, ODR will refer specifically to mediations and arbitrations conducted by videoconference without actual face-to-face, in-person meetings. (Whenever information would pertain equally to mediation or arbitration, the term mediation is used.) Aspects of ODR have been with us in one form another for decades. ODR includes a variety of remote dispute resolution mechanisms, from negotiations by telephone and email, to arbitrations conducted without any witnesses based onRead More →

Introduction A funny thing happened on April 1, 2020. After over 30 years and 7,500 cases as an in person, high-touch mediator, I grudgingly became, out of necessity born by COVID-19, a virtual, online mediator. The first month was admittedly a very rocky one for me. I worried about my ability to handle the very easy technology and that I might accidentally bump the participants off the platform. I also hated to see myself on the screen. Initially, I felt, albeit incorrectly, that this made me the center of attention – something I have always felt is the opposite of the mediator’s role. Today, overRead More →

What Is E-Mediation? The internet has become an indispensable business resource as more companies rely on online tools. As more businesses shift towards digital environments, it may be time for mediators to do the same. Online mediation, or e-mediation, could help you meet clients’ changing needs in an increasingly digital workplace. E-mediation isn’t a new concept, but recent events do put new emphasis on it. Thanks to COVID-19, many companies have shifted to a work-from-home approach, moving much of their work online. As you’re undoubtedly aware, just because people aren’t in the same physical space doesn’t mean workplace conflict is gone. Under the stresses ofRead More →

20 interactive workshops, translations in 3 languages and much more at the ODR Expo Tech holding on the 26th – 30th April 2021. For more information visit https://odrexpo.techRead More →

Anticipate! Online Dispute Resolution event of the year scheduled to hold from 26th to 30 April 2021. 5 days that is guaranteed to change your views about technology for good. For more information click on the attached link More →