ODR Africa’s Advertising Policies provide guidance on what types of advert content are allowed.
These policies describe ODR Africa advertising’s philosophy and policies. Our policies are not intended as legal advice or to be all-inclusive. You are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
If you are an agency purchasing advertisement on behalf of an advertiser, you must ensure that the advertiser complies with these policies and all applicable terms, laws and regulations.
We reserve the right to change/amend our policies at any time.
Your advertisement should clearly show your logo/trademark? or company and service offering.
Messages must be clear and understandable. Simple, short, and consistent messages work better. Make words easy to read and avoid small font.
An ordinary person must be able to make an informed decision about any offer in your advertisement. This means your advertisement must have appropriate disclosures.
You may not mislead users into providing their personal data without their consent. You may not misuse their personal data, including reselling to other companies who may misuse such personal data.
All advertisements must be accompanied by a link as we provide clickable Ads on our platform.
Any images, videos, logos, and text presented for publication must be of high resolution, good quality, and legible.
ODR Africa Website will not accept any advertisement that:
*Has flashing borders or lettering, or any other excessively repetitive animation;
*Contains Flash creative;
*Contains fake functionality, such as HTML drop down menus or search forms;Features or links to any defamatory, libelous, shocking, disrespectful, offensive, threatening, exploitative, controversial, or discriminatory material;
*Has any graphics that depicts any of the above mentioned;Contains rich media expandables, floating ads, or pop unders;Contains any spyware or malware;Redirects to any unsafe and unregulated user generated content; and
*Is misleading or deceptive in any way.It is your responsibility to ensure that all product claims, warranties, guarantees or other assurances comply with applicable laws and regulations.
We reserve the right to not display any advertising that in our discretion may violate applicable law, industry standards or ODR Africa policy.
Adverts placed on the ODR Africa Network, the expressions and the content thereof are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. Placements on this platform shall not be construed to mean a partnership or any other fiduciary relationship between ODR Africa Network and the advertiser. It also shall not be misunderstood to mean any form of guarantee or endorsement of the advertised products or services by the ODR Africa Network. ODR Africa Network shall not be held responsible or liable for any dishonest claims, damages or losses caused by adverts placed on this platform. Please use your discretion in making purshases especially those outside our platform.