Dear Fellows,
ODR Cyberweek 2022 is launched and thanks to all who are presenting, it looks to be a smashing week of events!
Please feel free to circulate to all your networks and see you there!
Leah, Ethan, Colin, Noam and Dan
Hosts its
21st Annual Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Cyberweek
October 31-November 4, 2022
Free, online & open to the public
Program agenda & to participate go to:
Recordings will be archived @
Highlights include:
Series on ODR Beyond Monetary Disputes
  • ODR and Healthcare
  • ODR and Canadian Immigration/Refugee Cases
  • EU Digital Privacy Act and ODR
  • ODR and Relationship Repair: Arbitration of Labor Grievances
  • Tech and Multiparty Public Dispute Resolution Post-Covid
ODR Platform Demos
Spanish language track
Experts from around the world on ODR and: women’s empowerment, leveraging technology in mediation, AI, blockchain, data protection, ODR Standards, the metaverse, medical disputes, Oarb, and more!
Join us for ODR Cyberweek 2022!